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Science Fair Topics
Thanks Chrissi

Will a banana brown faster on the counter or in the refrigerator?

Will an ice cube melt faster in a cup of water or a cup of pop?

Will water colored with food coloring evaporate faster than plain water?

How far does a snail travel in one minute?

Do different types of soil hold different amounts of water?

Does the shape of a kite affect its flight?

Will more air in a basketball make it bounce higher?

Does the color of light affect plant growth?

Which brand of popcorn pops the most kernels?

Which brand of popcorn pops the fastest?

In my class who has the biggest feet—boys or girls?

Do plants grow bigger in soil or water?

Do suction cups stick equally well to different surfaces?

Do boy or girls have a greater lung capacity?

Do adults or children have a greater lung capacity?

Whose heartrate will increase more after exercise—boys or girls?

Whose heartrate will increase more after exercise—children or adults?

Does it matter in which direction seeds are planted?

Which cheese grows mold the fastest?

Do all colors fade at the same rate?

Which brand of diaper holds the most water?

Which kind of cleaner removes ink stains best?

Does a plant grow bigger if watered by milk or water?

Does a baseball go farther when hit by a wood or metal bat?

Do living plants give off moisture?

What gets warmer—sand or dirt?

Which kind of glue holds two boards together better?

Will an apple slice spoil faster in the refrigerator or on the cupboard?

Which kind of candy bar melts the fastest?

Will bean seeds grow by moonlight?

What factors increase the rate at which milk spoils?

Do plants grow better if they are under constant light or do they need a rest from light?

Does the salt content have any effect on the freezing or boiling points of water?

What effect does cigarette smoke have on plants?

Does talking to plants really make them grow better?

Does playing music to plants make them grow better?

Do pebbles, gravel, sand, and soil mixed up and shaken in a jar of water, settle in the same order in fresh water and in salt water?

Does the shape of the wand affect the shape of a bubble?

Does the material of the wand affect the size of a bubble?

Is there a difference between how students see optical illusions and how adults see optical illusions?

Is there a difference betwee how boys see optical illusions and how girl see optical illusions?

Does the design of the paper airplane affect how far it will fly?

Does the type of paper used to make a paper airplane affect how far it will fly?

Which flies farther an airplane made of foam, paper, or cardboard?

Which will hold a static charge—salt or pepper?

Will the length of a straw affect the pitch of the sound it makes?

Can people identify objects just by the sound they make?

Can people identify objects just by touch?

Can people identify objects just by smell?

Does the color of water affect the temperature?

Will seeds grow better in sunlight or under a light bulb?

Does the color of food affect its taste?

Will watching TV affect pulse rate?

Does age affect memory?

Do males and females have different abilities in estimating the size of an object?

Does smell affect the sense of taste?

Does sight affect the sense of taste?

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