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Landforms And Climate
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Air mass
Carbon Dioxide,Methane,Nitrous Oxide,Fluorinated Gases
Convergent plate boundary
Climate zones
Climate change
Prevailing winds
A fault
A volcano
Fossil fuels
Plate tectonics
Coriolis effect
Global warmimg
Trade winds
Divergent boundaries
The shield
The weather
A large volume of air with similar conditions of temperature and moisture throughout.
A circular motion created when a warmer material rises and draws down cooler material.
A tool that measures and records the magnitude and duration of a disturbance of the ground, especially earthquakes.
Gases in the atmosphere that contribute to the greenhouse effect.
Extremely hot fluid or semi-fluid material under Earth's crust
The wearing away of Earth's surface by wind, water, or glacial action.
An area of land that is nearly surrounded by water
A large, low area of flat or rolling land with few trees
A flat area of land that is higher than the land around it
A region of flat or hilly land covered by tall grasses
A place where two plates of the lithosphere come together
Areas of Earth identified as having similar climate characteristics.
Soft weak layer under the lithosphere upon which the tectonic plates move.
Release of energy through Earth's crust due to changes taking place beneath it.
The average weather of an area over a long period of time.
Changes in the long-term weather patterns caused by natural events or human activity
The usual or common winds for a particular place
A place where side-by-side plates grind past each other.
An opening in Earth's curst from which molten rock or magma escapes to reach the surface
The point on Earth's surface directly above the location of an earthquake.
The breaking down of rocks by physical or chemical processes.
Fuels, such as oil, natural gas, and coal, formed millions of years ago from the remains of plants and
The theory that Earth's surface is made up of rigid plates that are pushed by forces inside the planet.
A flow of water within an ocean influenced by winds, gravity, and the spinning of Earth on its axis.
An increase in average global temperatures near the Earth's surface.
Molten rock flowing from a volcano.
The outer, solid layer of Earth made up of moving plates.
Winds that blow steadily toward the equator from the northeast or southeast.
A place where two plates of the lithosphere move away from each other.
The base rock of an ancient mountain region that has been worn away, leaving a flat, rocky landform region.
The short-term conditions of the air in a particular place and on a particular date.