Are You A Con Artist?

Discover Your Machiavellian Tendencies.

Are you a con artist?
A Machiavellian person is one who advocates the use of cunning and contrivance when needed to assure one's goals.
This type of person promotes the employment of cleverness and strategic planning as necessary to achieve their objectives.
C Turner, D Martinez, R Christie

A score of 0% to 30%:
You exhibit a low Machiavellian tendency and are generally open to considering others' perspectives.
You tend to seek harmony and, on occasion, may even display excessive submissiveness in pursuing your own ideas and objectives.

A score of 40% to 60%:
You possess a moderate ability to deceive others.
While you are inclined to promote your ideas, you typically avoid exerting excessive influence and manipulation over others.

A score of 70% to 100%:
You are a high Machiavellian person.
You are an independent thinker who values your own opinions and ideas.
You are not afraid to challenge the status quo and think outside the box.
You have a calm and collected demeanor, which can sometimes come across as distant.
However, you have the potential to be more empathetic towards others.
By nurturing empathy, you can develop stronger relationships and become a more well-rounded individual.


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