Are You A Creative Genius?

Are you the ego-permissive type?

Are you a creative genius?
Ego-permissiveness involves embracing a state of relaxation to allow one's creative imagination to flourish.
Many artists and individuals with a penchant for creativity employ this approach, temporarily setting aside the constraints of logic to allow their inspirational instincts to guide them.
Brainstorming is another notable manifestation of this type of thinking.
Reference: L R Taft, JP. Guilford

A score of 75% to 100%: You possess a high degree of creativity and exhibit an ego-permissive mindset.
Engaging in activities that demand this particular skill set would likely bring you satisfaction.
A score of 41% to 74%: Your creative potential is above average, and you could likely unlock even more by letting go and embracing relaxation.
By pushing yourself to explore greater depths of imagination and novel thinking, you can enhance your creativity further.
A score of 0% o 40%: You could use a boost in ego-permissiveness and creativity.
It's time to seek inspiration and encourage yourself to explore the unique aspects of situations.
Consider expanding your creative horizons by participating in an artistic workshop or joining a group engaged in imaginative projects.


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