Who Shoots His Age?
golfers participate in a golf tournament.
Each has a specific golf skill.
Fingerprints identify each golfer.
Peter's fingerprint is to the left of Ellery's fingerprint and
immediately to the right of the chipping god.
Rick's fingerprint is to the left of Claude's fingerprint and to the
right of the putting pro.
Ron's fingerprint is next to the driving gorilla but is not next to
Peter or the sand wizard.
The flop shot phenom is next to the chipping god.
The fifth fingerprint belongs to the golfer who shoots his age.
Can you name the golfer who shoots his age and his skill?
Ellery the sand wizard shoots his age.
Fingerprint 1: Ron the putting
Fingerprint 2 Rick the driving gorilla
Fingerprint 3 Claude the chipping god
Fingerprint 4 Peter the flop shot phenom
Fingerprint 5: Ellery the sand wizard