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Scary Riddles
Thanks Boris K


Why did the ghost take his family on an elevator ride every day?
Answer: To Raise their Spirits
What kind of street does a ghost live on?
Answer: A dead end
What kind of music do ghosts like?
Answer: Rhythm and Boos
What kind of cars do ghosts drive?
Answer: Boo-icks
What is a vampires favorite test?
Answer: A blood test
What does a skeleton order at a restaurant?
Answer: Spare ribs
What do you get when a mummy joins a band?
Answer: Rap music
What’s a zombie’s favorite breakfast cereal?
Answer: Rice Creepies
Where does a girl ghost go to get her hair done?
Answer: To the Booty Parlor
What do children ghosts have for lunch?
Answer: A boo-loney sandwich
What is a ghost’s favorite oatmeal?
Answer: Scream of Wheat .
What do goblins mail home on vacation?
Answer: Ghost cards
At ghost school what does the teacher say when a student has the correct answer?
Answer: You’re fright
Who did the ghost invite to his party?
Answer: Anyone he could dig up
What do baby ghosts wear on their feet?
Answer: Booties
What did the papa ghost say to his children when they got in the car?
Answer: Fasten your sheet belts
What kind of pets do ghosts have?
Answer: Fraidie cats
What is the little ghost’s favorite party game?
Answer: Musical Graves
What does a ghost put on his cereal in the morning?
Answer: Boonanas and Booberries

Avoid The Witch

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