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Joy, Madeleine, Isabelle and Francine are 36, 37, 38 and 39 years old.

They enjoy gardening, playing bingo, going to the casino and cooking for 4, 6, 8 and 10 hours a week.

1. One person plays bingo ten hours a week.
2. Isabelle, who is not 37 or 38 years old, spends less than eight hours weekly on her hobby.
3. The one who is 37 years old is not Madeleine and she does not garden or play bingo.
4. Francine, who is 36 years old, spends six hours a week on her hobby which is not gardening
or cooking.
5. The 38 year old woman does not garden or play bingo.

Questions: What is the hobby and age of each woman?

See answer

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