Clarice, Nancy and Jeannette are 33, 34, 35 and 36 years old.
cats are named
Minou, Matou, Minoune and Toutou.
These cats are
Burmese, Tom, Persian and Siamese.
- Linda's
cat in not Minoune.
Nancy is not 34 years old.
Matou, the Siamese cat , does not
belong to Clarice or Linda nor to
36 year old.
The Tom cat is not Minou and does
not belong to the 36 year old woman.
Jeannette, the Burmese cat's
owner, is 1 year younger than the
propriotor of Toutou who is not a
Tom cat.
A 34 year old owns the Tom cat.
: Who owns which cat? How old is
each woman?
See answer