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Internet Marketers

Each year Internet's best marketers gather to see who is driving the most luxurious car.
Each car is a different model : a Bugatti, a Ferrari, a Porsche, a Rolls Royce and a Lamborghini.
Each car was purchased in a different town: (Kapuskasing, New Liskeard, Powassen, Timmins and Temagami.)
This year the five marketers, John, Yaro, Jeremy, Barry, Joel want to be known as King Car.
To become the reigning monarch of Internet marketers, each decide to add  a different amenity to his car's trunk.
They decide to install either a bbq, a bed, a hot tub ,a sattellite dish or a sauna in the luxury car.

Question :
Can you match each internet marketer with his automoble, his trunk improvement, and the town where the purchase was made?

Hints :
l. Barry owns neither the Bugatti nor the the Rolls Royce from Timmins.
2 The auto bought in New Liskeard (which isn't the Lamborghini) isn't Yaro's car.
3 Neither the Rolls Royce nor the Timmins car is owned by John.
4 The hot tub wasn't added to the car bought in Powassen.
5 One man who owns the Porsche doesn't have the new sauna.
6 Jeremy (who suggested the Bugatti to his friend)  added neither a hot tub nor a sauna to his own car.
7. The brick barbecue wasn't added to the Ferrari and was not from Temagami.
8. John  owns neither the Bugatti nor did he purchase in Powassen.
9. Neither the Ferrari nor Joel's car is from Kapuskasing or New Liskeard.
10. Neither Joel's car nor the Temagami car has a hot tub.
11. Neither the car from Timmins nor the Bugatti was improved with a bed.
12 The car from Temagami remains unequipped with a sauna.
13. John  (who didn't install the hot tub)) doesn't own the Porsche.
14. The Bugatti isn't from Kapuskasing.

See answer

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