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Thanks Canine

Delphine is ten years old and Puppy is four years old.

AI answer
Let's set up the equations using the given information:

Three years ago:
Delphine's age: D - 3
Puppy's age: P - 3
Equation: D - 3 = 7(P - 3)

Two years ago:
Delphine's age: D - 2
Puppy's age: P - 2
Equation: D - 2 = 4(P - 2)

Last year:
Delphine's age: D - 1
Puppy's age: P - 1
Equation: D - 1 = 3(P - 1)

This year:
Delphine's age: D
Puppy's age: P
Equation: D = 2.5P

Now we have a system of four equations with four unknowns.
We can solve for D and P using substitution or elimination methods.

Let's use elimination:

From the first equation, we can express D in terms of P:
D = 7P - 18

Substitute this expression for D in the second equation:
(7P - 18) - 2 = 4(P - 2)
7P - 20 = 4P - 8
3P = 12
P = 4

Now substitute P = 4 back into the first equation to find D:
D - 3 = 7(4 - 3)
D - 3 = 7
D = 10

Therefore, Delphine is 10 years old and her puppy is 4 years old

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