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Find The Mystery Number A classroom activity

Material :
Smart board or overhead projector

Procedure :
1. The teacher or student chooses a secret number then writes this number on a piece of paper.
2. The teacher gives clues or students ask questions to eliminate as many numbers as possible to discover  the “mystery number”.
3. Keep an ongoing tally of the number of guesses it takes the class to find the “mystery number”.

Where’s My Number?
A classroom activity

Material :
Smart board or overhead projector

Procedure :
1. The teacher or the student writes down a mystery number on a piece of paper.
2. Begin at number 1 on the chart and give students directions to lead them to the mystery number.
    Example: Go south (down) four squares.
3. Students follow directions to find the mystery number.

go south 23
go east 9
add 11
subtract 12

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