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Icebreakers Ahead
Everyone knows the best way to get youth involved and getting to know one another is to play a game,
 an icebreaker, where they can meet people. 

  • icebreakers are a great way to set the tone for any class or meeting.
  • With icebreakers you automatically encourage and increase classroom participation - they are great motivators!
  • icebreakers work to create a better more relaxed learning environment.
  • icebreakers can energize – Sometimes it is just a good idea to shake things up a bit, especially in the middle of the meeting when feet begin to tap, pencils begin to doodle, and eyelids begin to droop. They are great energizers!
  • icebreakers allow your participants to get involved both physically and mentally in the program which always creates a better learning environment.
  • icebreakers can be great topic lead-ins.
  • icebreakers can be developed to help identify group and individual goals and objectives.
Click here to search for icebreakers.

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