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Culinary Delights

Play the supermarket shopping trip game.
Paste bright magazine pictures of nutritious and junk food on 20 cm by 27.5 cm (8" x 11") pieces of construction paper.
Make sure that all the children can identify each picture before arranging the cards on a table.
Give one child a basket and designate him or her as "the shopper."

The shopper selects a card and says : "I am shopping for nutritious food, so I will put some in my basket."
The shopper shows the card to the class, puts it in the basket and repeats the process until he or she has selected five foods representing the five food groups.

If the shopper selects a junk food, the class chants, "Forget it! "
The shopper returns the card to the table, provided he or she agrees with the decision.

An incorrect decision by the class allows the shopper to make two extra selections.
The child who can repeat the shopping list in the order in which it was selected becomes the next shopper.

Multiplication Fortune Teller
