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Up and Down

Use a 52-card deck and shuffle them well.
Ask three participants to choose 1 card each without showing you their card.
Tell them to remember their chosen card.

Deal one pile of 10 cards face down. 
Next to this pile, deal a pile of 15 cards face down.
Next to that pile, deal another 15-card stack.

Keep the remaining 9 cards in your hand. 

Have the first person put his/her card on top of the 10-card pile.
Ask him/her to cut as many cards as he/she wants from the second pile, and put them on his/her card. 

Have the second person put his/her card on the second pile.
Tell him/her to cut as many cards as he/she wants from the third pile, and put them on top of his/her card. 

Have the third person put his card on top of the third pile.
Place the 9 cards you are holding on top of his/her card.

Pick up the last pile, place it on the middle pile, then put both on the first pile. 

Take four cards off the top and place them on the bottom of the deck. 

Now flip a card up and next to it a card down.
Keep repeating this procedure until you don't have cards in your hand. 

Ask the participants  to shout "Stop" if they see their card.

Put face up cards to the side.
Repeat this until you have only three cards left face down. 

Turn them over, and magic!

The top one is the third person's card, the next is the second person's card, and the bottom one is the first person's card.

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