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Writing Jingles - Worksheet for Students

What is a Jingle? 
A jingle is a short and catchy song or rhyme.
It’s fun to write and easy to remember!
A jingle delivers a message in a fun way.
It’s often written to be memorable!

Let’s write one step by step.


Step 1: Choose a Topic 
Pick something fun to write about! Here are some ideas: 
Sunny Day 
Rainy Weather 
Windy Day 

Write your topic here: 
My Topic: _______________________________________


Step 2: Pick a Melody 
Think of a song you already know. Use its tune for your jingle.
This makes it easier to write the jingle.

Some examples: 
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star 
Row, Row, Row Your Boat 
The Wheels on the Bus 

Write your melody here: 
Melody: _______________________________________


Step 3: Write Your Message
What do you want to say about your topic? Is it fun, exciting, or important?
Keep it short and fun!
My Message: _______________________________________ 


Step 4: Add Rhymes 
Make your jingle fun with rhyming words.
Use simple, rhyming words.
For example: 
Rain, rain, come today, 
Let’s jump in puddles and play!

Write your rhymes here: 
Rhyming Line 1: _______________________________________ 
Rhyming Line 2: _______________________________________


Step 5: Add Sound Effects or Actions
Make your jingle more exciting!
Use fun sounds like “boom” or “splash,” or write actions like “jump” or “stomp.” 

Sound/Action: _______________________________________


Step 6: Sing It Out Loud! 
Practice singing your jingle. Does it match the melody? Is it fun to sing? 


Bonus Challenge 
Draw a picture that goes with your jingle! 


Example Jingle 
Topic: Rain 
Melody: *Rain, Rain, Go Away* 
Rain, rain, come today, 
Let’s jump in puddles and play! 
Splish, splash, stomp your feet, 
Rainy days are such a treat!


Tips for Students: 
1. Keep it short – One or two sentences is perfect. 
2. Use rhyming words – This makes it fun to sing. 
3. Be playful – Use sound words like “boom,” “splash,” or “zing!” 
4. Practice with a friend – Let someone else try to sing it too. 


Activity Idea For Teachers: 
- Break students into groups and give each group a weather topic. 
- Have each group create their own jingle and perform it for the class!

Weather Jingles

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