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Weather Jingles
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Weather Jingles

Blizzard (Melody: *Jingle Bells*) 
Blizzard blast, blizzard blast,
Snowflakes swirl around, 
Wrap up tight, hold on tight,
As the snow piles on the ground!
Sunny (Melody: *You Are My Sunshine*) 
You are my sunshine, my golden sunshine, 
The brightest glow that warms my day! 
When skies are cloudy, I always miss you, 
Please don’t take my sunshine away!"

(Melody: *Skip to My Lou*) 
Hot, hot, blazing sun, 
Sweat and shade, here we come! 
Find a fan and grab some ice, 
Summer days are twice as nice!

Tornado (Melody: *Old MacDonald Had a Farm*) 
Tornado twists across the land, spinning up the air, 
With a zoom-zoom here, and a crash-crash there, 
Here a zoom, there a crash, everywhere a wild dash, 
Tornado twists across the land, spinning up the air!
Windy (Melody: *Row, Row, Row Your Boat*) 
Blow, blow, blow the wind,
Swirling through the trees, 
Howling, whirling, spinning round,
Racing with the breeze!
Cloudy (Melody: *London Bridge Is Falling Down*) 
Cloudy skies are hanging low, hanging low, hanging low, 
Will the sun come out and glow? We may never know!
Cold (Melody: *Mary Had a Little Lamb*) 
The cold is here, it bites my nose, bites my nose, bites my nose, 
The frost is nipping at my toes, all the day long!
Dry (Melody: *If You’re Happy and You Know It*) 
If it’s dry and you can feel it, clap your hands! (Clap, Clap) 
If the grass is looking brittle, clap your hands! (Clap, Clap) 
If the rain is nowhere near, 
And the ground is cracked and clear, 
If it’s dry and you can feel it, clap your hands! (Clap, Clap)
Foggy (Melody: *Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star*) 
Foggy, foggy, thick and gray, 
Hiding everything today. 
Shadows sneak, and roads grow dim, 
Where does the world even begin? 
Foggy, foggy, thick and gray, 
Will you lift and drift away?
Hail (Melody: *Baa, Baa, Black Sheep*) 
Hail, hail, falling, falling very fast, 
Tiny ice balls pelt and blast. 
Hard on roof, and fast on ground, 
Bouncing, crashing all around!" 
Hail, hail, falling, falling very fast
Go away, please do not last!

(Melody: *The Ants Go Marching*) 
The thunder rolls with mighty roars, boom, boom, boom, boom! 
The skies light up not like before, boom, boom, boom, boom! 
We count the seconds in between, 
The lightning strikes are bright and mean, 
And the storm rolls on and on, boom, boom, boom, boom!
Lightning (Melody: *The Wheels on the Bus*) 
The lightning in the sky goes flash, flash, flash, 
Flash, flash, flash, flash, flash, flash. 
The lightning in the sky goes flash, flash, flash, 
All through the night!
Humid (Melody: *Do You Know the Muffin Man?*) 
Do you feel the sticky air, sticky air, sticky air? 
Do you feel the sticky air? The summer’s here to stay!

(Melody: *Pop Goes the Weasel*) 
The winds pick up, the clouds turn dark, 
The ocean starts to roar, 
It’s a hurricane spinning wild, 
Watch out, there’s more!
Sleet (Melody: *The Farmer in the Dell*) 
The sleet is falling down, the sleet is falling down, 
Slip and slide, it’s cold outside, the sleet is falling down!

(Melody: *Rain, Rain, Go Away*) 
Rain, rain, please don’t stay, 
We want sunshine back today. 
Puddles grow, the rivers run, 
Rain, rain, let’s have some fun!
Snow (Melody: *Frosty the Snowman*) 
Snowflakes are falling, soft and white and slow, 
Covering rooftops, trees, and all the streets, 
It’s winter’s perfect show!
Stormy (Melody: *Yankee Doodle*) 
Stormy skies are rolling in, the winds are wild and roaring, 
Lightning strikes, and thunder booms, oh what a stormy morning!

(Melody: *Hush, Little Baby*) 
Hush, little morning, the fog is here, 
It’s soft and quiet, the world unclear. 
As the sun rises, it starts to fade, 
Bringing back the bright parade!
Hail (Melody: *This Old Man*) 
Hail comes down, bang, bang, bang, 
On the roof it makes a clang. 
Little stones of ice, they dance and play, 
Hailstones bouncing all the way!
Foggy (Melody *Mary Had a Little Lamb*)
Foggy morn, the world is gray,
Misty veil, a soft display,
Quiet streets, a dreamy day,
In the haze, we find our way!

Play Weather Bingo

point PS: How to write jingles.

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